February 2024

Welcome to the February 2024 Gradle Build Tool newsletter! We are happy to announce the general availability of Gradle 8.6 and share more community news.

From the Community

Blog Posts

Videos and Live Demos

Plugins and Integrations

From the Gradle Team

Gradle 8.6 Release

We have released Gradle 8.6. Key features on this release include custom encryption keys for the configuration cache, improvements to the build init task, improvements to build authoring, IDE integration improvements, and more helpful error and warning messages. There are also several important bug fixes. This release does not include breaking changes, so if you use Gradle 8.5, you can immediately update it.

Gradle 8.6 Release

Read more in the Gradle 8.6 Release Notes.

2023 New Lunar Year in Review

2023 was a great year for Gradle Build Tool, with many new features and initiatives being released. We published a blog with a recap of the key updates:

Read more here. We thank all contributors and community members for their work, contributions, and feedback! And let’s see what 2024 brings!

2023 New Lunar Year in Review

The Road to Gradle 9

On February 06, Louis Jacomet, a senior lead software engineer and the support team leader at Gradle, spoke at Jfokus about the road to Gradle 9 and our focus on scalability and comprehensibility. Louis highlighted the following:

Many of those items are already on our public roadmap; you can find the information and links there. We will keep posting updates on the evolution of Gradle 9 in the following newsletters.

The Road to Gradle 9

You can find the slides from Louis here. The video recording will be published later on the JFokus page and YouTube channel. We also plan to publish the text version on the Gradle blog soon. Stay tuned!

Gradle in Google Summer of Code 2024

The Gradle team plans to participate in Google Summer of Code 2024! We have submitted some project ideas to the Kotlin and Eclipse Foundations. Here are some of the project ideas we proposed so far:

If you want to work on one of these projects during Google Summer of Code, please join the #gsoc channel on the Gradle Community Slack! If you are a Gradle plugin or integration maintainer who wants to propose a project, join the channel!

Upcoming Events

If you have some news you’d like us to share in the next issue, let us know using the #community-news channel on the Gradle Community Slack or by mentioning @Gradle on Twitter/X.

Until next time!
— The Gradle Team

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