February 2021

Welcome to the February 2021 Gradle Build Tool newsletter.

This issue covers the news for the community including the planned shutdown of JCenter and Bintray, the new and upcoming releases of Gradle Build Tool, and the introduction of the Gradle Fellowship program.

From the Community

Blog Posts

White Papers



From The Gradle Build Tool Team

Planned JCenter and Bintray Shutdown

The popular services in the JVM ecosystem, JCenter and Bintray are going away. This blog post explains the impact of this change on Gradle builds and what can users do about it.

Gradle Fellowship Program

We kicked off the Gradle Fellowship program that recognizes and connects Gradle experts who help the global Gradle community to be more productive.

Gradle Releases

Gradle 6.8.3

Gradle 6.8 had 3 patch releases so far that fix a number of issues including performance regressions. We recommend always using the latest patch release.

Upcoming Gradle Releases

Gradle 7.0

Gradle 7.0, the next major release, is around the corner. It will enable file system watching by default and promote many currently incubating features.

Other Releases

Kotlin 1.4.30

Kotlin 1.4.30 has been released. As of the new release, the Kotlin Gradle plugin is fully compatible with the configuration cache. See the blog post for details.


If you share our passion for developer productivity and tooling, consider joining our globally distributed team and check out our job openings at gradle.com/careers.

Upcoming Events

See the Gradle Training webpage for an up-to-date list of all upcoming educational and training events.

If you have some news you’d like us to share in the next issue, use #gradle on Twitter or send us an email with the details to newsletter@gradle.com.

Until next time!

The Gradle Build Tool Team

If you have some news you’d like us to share in the next issue, let us know using the #community-news channel on the Gradle Community Slack or by mentioning @Gradle on Twitter/X.

Until next time!
— The Gradle Team

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