February 2019
Table of Contents
Welcome to the February 2019 newsletter.
This issue covers the new Gradle 5.2 release and the upcoming Accelerate and Optimize Apache Maven(™) Builds with Gradle Enterprise training.
From the community #
Blog Posts #
- Save time and reduce risk with Gradle’s includeGroup - an article by Jeb Stuart explaining how and when to use the Gradle 5.1 includeGroup option.
- Safer Passwords in Gradle - a tutorial by Viktor Eriksson showing how to use Keychain Access for OSX using Gradle.
- Сборка проектов с помощью Gradle / Building projects with Gradle - (Russian / русский) An interesting article about using initialization scripts in Gradle by Yevhen Lebid.
- Gradle 5.1 (German/Deutsch) - an opinion piece on the top 3 features from Gradle 5.1 by Kai Börnert.
- Use BOM files with Gradle (German/Deutsch) - a thorough explanation of Maven BOMs and their use cases in Gradle by Kai Börnert.
- Gradle 5 mit Kotlin DSL in Multi-Project Build - (German/Deutsch) a step-by-step guide for using the Gradle Kotlin DSL to manage Spring Boot Dependencies by Marcel Richter.
- Continuous Security using OWASP - a tutorial by Pavel Mička showing how to use the Gradle OWASP Dependency Check plugin to be aware of potential security vulnerabilities in your project.
- Deploying to Payara Server Using Gradle - A tutorial from Matthew Gill showing how to use gradle plugins to deploy an application to Payara Server, a glassfish replacement.
Plugins #
- The Pandora Hydra Gradle Plugins now include a version for Android.
- JMH Plugin - The new release of the Gradle JMH plugin is Gradle 5.X compatible.
- Kotlin Native Cocoapods - is a new gradle plugin which enables Kotlin/Native development with CocoaPods.
- Jbake Gradle Plugin 5.0.0 was released. The new version is Gradle 5.X compatible and uses jbake 2.6.4.
- Kordamp Gradle Plugins 0.13.0 are ready for Gradle 5.1. This release adds support for the parent tag in generated POMs and BOMs.
Other News #
- Gradle Kotlin Converter - a new tool written by Bernardo Ferrari to help with some of the tedious steps of Gradle Kotlin DSL conversion.
- Netbeans Support for Gradle merged - A pull request to add support for Gradle in Netbeans has been merged. Please try out the master branch on GitHub and provide feedback on GitHub before the next Netbeans release.
If you have a talk or blog post you’d like us to share in the next issue, use #gradle
on Twitter or send us an email with the details to newsletter@gradle.com.
Gradle 5.2 #
The Gradle Build Tool Team recently released 5.2. This release features the newly added Java Platform Plugin, improved C++ plugins, service injection into plugins and project extensions, and more.
For users interested in using the new version, read the release notes and the upgrading from Gradle 5.X guide to see how version 5.2 may affect your build. Most of the changes in 5.2 are additions so users upgrading from 5.1 should not have to worry about breaking changes.
Maven Build Optimization Training #
Last month, we had the Speed up Apache Maven Builds with Gradle Enterprise webinar to showcase some of the new features coming to Gradle Enterprise. Next month, we’re hosting the first ever Accelerate and Optimize Apache Maven(™) Builds with Gradle Enterprise training to give an in-depth demonstration of how to use Gradle Enterprise with Maven builds.
Video Resources #
The following videos are available on the Gradle online training page:
- Improving Android and Java Build Performance
- Optimize your CI Pipeline: Hands-on with the Gradle Team
- Maximizing Developer Productivity with Gradle Enterprise
- Webinar: Speed up Apache Maven Builds with Gradle Enterprise
Upcoming Events #
- Feb 14: Escribir y publicar tus plugins de Gradle “made easy” (Spanish/Español) - Jorge Aguilera at the Madrid JUG
- Feb 20: There’s a Kotlin Elephant in the Room (German/Deutsch) - Gradle Engineer Jendrik Johannes at the Hamburg Kotlin User Group
- Feb 19: Developer Productivity Day Munich (German/Deutsch) - an afternoon of talks, food, and networking organized by Gradle and TNG Technology Consulting.
- Feb 21: Build Cache Deep Dive - Official Online Gradle Training
- Feb 22: Gradle: One technology to build them all - Baptiste Mesta at DeveloperWeek SF Bay Area.
- Feb 28: Webinar: Making the Most out of the Build Cache - Official Online Gradle Training
- Mar 7: Accelerate and Optimize Apache Maven(™) Builds with Gradle Enterprise - Official Online Gradle Training
- Mar 12-13: Introduction to Gradle - Official Online Gradle Training
- Mar 22: Gradle Ex-machina - Gradle Developer Advocate Andres Almiray at Codemotion Rome
- Mar 28-30: Greach - Gradle Developer Advocate Andres Almiray and Engineer Felipe Fernandéz will both talk about Gradle.
Job opportunities #
Gradle Inc. continues to grow. Will you help us shape the future of software automation? We’re currently looking for:
- Gradle Enterprise – back-end and front-end software engineers
- Gradle Enterprise – Solutions Engineer
- Gradle Build Tool – Software Engineer
The details of these and other open positions available at gradle.com/careers.
If you have some news you’d like us to share in the next issue, use #gradle
on Twitter or send us an email with the details to newsletter@gradle.com.
Until next time!
—The Gradle Build Tool Team